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Drone operating manual

ConOps, Sora, Pdra, STS, LUC and others.

Are you confused about the current terms that came after the legislative change?

Don't have time to study and analyze complex documents to obtain a permit for aerial work from the Transport Office?

You are right here, we are here for you!

Drone operating manual

Consultations & training

Our consulting team will help you overcome any legal or operational obstacles you may encounter in the professional implementation of drones.

We are specialists in consulting and management in the drone sector. For all operations, we provide personalized support and advice, as well as the necessary documentation for their execution, thereby facilitating and speeding up their processing and resolution.

Consultations & training

Industrial solutions with drones

A big advantage of using a drone in the construction industry is obtaining fast and accurate visual data about the site.

This data can then be used in various ways. It can be shared with clients, with internal teams, used to improve security and focus efforts on faster project completion.

Industrial solutions with drones


Drones are becoming an invaluable tool in agriculture, helping farmers and ranchers increase work efficiency and productivity. Their use includes various aspects, from land mapping, through crop health monitoring, to precise applications of fertilizers and chemical sprays.


We are Skysoluz

Our mission is to provide first-class advice and services in the field of industrial aerial work with drones. We provide our services in compliance with the current UAS legislation, we have a permit to fly an aircraft capable of flying without a pilot, a permit for aerial work and, last but not least, insurance for our drone fleet.

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Do you have questions about our services or drone solutions? Check out our FAQ section for answers to the most common questions about our drone services, consultations and legislative requirements. If you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us - we'll be happy to help!

Who is a drone operator?

A drone operator is any individual or organization that owns or leases the drone(s). You can be both a drone operator and a remote pilot as long as you are also the person who actually flies the drone. However, you can be a remote pilot without being a drone operator, for example if you are a pilot working for a company that provides drone services. In this case, the company is the drone operator and you are the remote pilot.

If you bought a drone to fly it at your leisure, you are both the operator of the drone and the remote pilot.

If you bought a drone as a gift, the person who will receive the gift and subsequently fly the drone will be the drone operator and remote pilot.

Types of drones covered by the regulation

"Unmanned aircraft" means any aircraft operated or intended for autonomous operation or remote control without a pilot on board;

Types of drones

This definition includes all types of aircraft without a pilot on board, including radio-controlled flying models (fixed-wing, helicopters, gliders), whether or not they have a built-in camera.

The regulation uses the term UAS, unmanned aircraft system, to refer to a drone, its system and all other equipment used to control and operate it, such as a command unit, a possible catapult to launch it, and others.

RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) is a subcategory of UAS that also includes fully autonomous UAS. Fully autonomous UAS fly completely by themselves without the need for any pilot intervention.

What is the difference between autonomous and automatic drone operation?

An autonomous drone is able to perform a safe flight without the intervention of a pilot. It does this with the help of artificial intelligence, which enables it to cope with all kinds of unforeseen and unpredictable emergencies. This differs from automated operations where the drone flies along predetermined routes defined by the drone operator before the flight begins. For this type of drone, it is essential that a remote pilot takes control of the drone in order to intervene in unforeseen events that the drone was not programmed for. While automatic operation is permitted in all categories, autonomous drone operation is not permitted in the open category.

Autonomous drones need a level of verification of compliance with technical requirements that is not compatible with the system established for the "open" category. However, autonomous operations are allowed in a "specific" category, where the regulation contains a sufficiently flexible tool to verify the requirements with an appropriate level of robustness. Autonomous operations are also allowed in the "certified" category.