Consultations & training

Our consulting team will help you overcome any legal or operational obstacles you may encounter in the professional implementation of drones. We are specialists in consulting and management in the drone sector. For all operations, we provide personalized support and advice, as well as the necessary documentation for their execution, thereby facilitating and speeding up their processing and resolution.

*Training takes place online using the Whereby platform. The length of individual online lessons is 60 min. If you are interested in training for companies/organizations, we can also provide face-to-face teaching. Do you have questions about flight rules, necessary documentation, or training? Are you interested in training for your organization? Contact us and get first-class advice.

Open category A1+A3

- pilot training requirements
- safety distances and type of drone that can be used in subcategories A1+A3
- applications and procedures, insurance, registration of operators
- questions and answers

Price 49€

Open category A2

- požiadavky na výcvik pilotov
- bezpečnostné vzdialenosti a typ dronu, ktorý je možné použiť v podkategórií A2
- žiadosti a postupy, poistenie, registrácia prevádzkovateľov
- otázky a odpovede

Price 69€

Special (specific) category

- pilot training requirements
- safety distances and the type of drone that can be used in a special category
- applications and procedures, insurance, registration of operators
- conditions for SORA, PDRA, STS authorizations
- questions and answers

Price 119€

Certified category

- pilot training requirements
- safety distances and the type of drone that can be used in a special category
- applications and procedures, insurance, registration of operators
- legislative regulation
- questions and answers

Price 199€